On Hold: Discussion Open

Custom CSS Hover & Borders

lanky8804 6 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by dwood3007 5 years ago 4


Just getting into AT, have been playing with creating my own theme but very limited. Looking to further customise CSS so can change things like hover colour, border colours etc.

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction? Comfortable with HTML and CSS coding.



On Hold: Discussion Open

Hi Alexander,

The theme builder was designed for people who don't like looking under the hood, so it exposes a limited amount of Panel properties.

We are going to enable users to enter custom CSS to override most properties. This feature is coming out reasonably soon, however we don't provide any ETAs. Please stay tuned for release announcements.



On Hold: Discussion Open

Hi Alexander,

The theme builder was designed for people who don't like looking under the hood, so it exposes a limited amount of Panel properties.

We are going to enable users to enter custom CSS to override most properties. This feature is coming out reasonably soon, however we don't provide any ETAs. Please stay tuned for release announcements.




Thank you for this info. Looking forward to custom css! 

Would also be nice to align specific Tiles either left/right to allow a more responsive design depending on screen resolution.


Want to add a vote to getting this done as soon as possible.

I just started using Action Tiles, and I'm deciding whether to pay for it. To me the current customization options are totally inadequate, and is one of the biggest things making me wonder if I should.

When I started playing with it, I just *assumed* I would be able to customize in whatever way I wanted... now that I've positioned my tiles and I'm ready to do that, it seems very odd that I can't.

I'll take custom CSS, but custom CSS is kind of overkill for me. All I really want is a lot of colors in the same panel for the many different types of buttons. Unless I'm missing something, current themes are limited to four colors of tile. The theme "elements" has more colors, so right now I'm stuck using that, but with no way to customize *any* of the colors in that theme. 

> If I could use Elements, but change the color of each tile type (including routines) that would be perfect. 

> If instead of four tile intentions, I could have 12, that would be perfect.

> If I could individually customize the color of each tile I create, that would be perfect. (Really I've no idea why this isn't the case.)

> And yes, if we had custom CSS that would also work, I suppose.

The kind of people who use Action Tiles are the kind of people who are more likely to want to customize things.