
PVoutput.org graphs as media tile

Stuart Salmon 7 years ago in Media Tiles updated 7 years ago 2

As a preface, I am not a programmer and don't have the ability to code a solution without significant help. I am looking for a way to show my solar panel PVoutput graphs in a media tile.  As far as I can see, the pvoutput.org website uses JavaScript to generate the graphs on the fly using a tool called highchart. There is an option to embed a widget in a webpage showing the graphs ( a script), and even a tool to download a generated SVG or JPG image, but there is no specific URL to an image file itself. 



Hi Stuart,

It may be worth waiting until we provide more embedding options that might be compatible with the widgets they provide. Your Topic is helpful because it helps us understand the types of sources that customers would like to embed. But, yes, ... it could be a long wait.

The alternative solution in the meantime could be to run a server that is able to download the JPG images to a web host which your Media Tile(s) point to.



Here is an example of a graph generated by the website: