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Panel Tile layout across screen sizes

Dave Blackwell 7 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated 6 years ago 3

I have been working with 7" & 8" Fire tablets and have several panels set up.  The formatting and placement of tiles is identical between the 7" & 8" tablets.

Fast forward, now I have a 10" Fire tablet, and it is, of course bigger, and the my existing panels that look nice on the 7" & 8" now are all out of format on the 10".

Had anyone else dealt with this and have any helpful comments or suggestions?

Is there a way to:

1) have separate versions of panels (one set for the smaller screens and one set for the larger screens)?  Without having to set up a second AT account?

2) Put in some hard formatting so that tiles are in the same place, regardless of the screen size in use?

3) ???

Thanks in advance for any suggestions....


Answered: Discussion Open

Hey Dave... You wrote:

Is there a way to: 1) have separate versions of panels (one set for the smaller screens and one set for the larger screens)?  Without having to set up a second AT account?

Perhaps you're not aware that you can have as many Panels as you want without needing more than one Account...? 

Only one Panel can be the default 🌟 Favorite, but you can easily use browser bookmarks and/or "Add to Homescreen / Desktop" option to jump directly to the appropriate Panel that you customized for each device or screen size.. 

Answered: Discussion Open

Hey Dave... You wrote:

Is there a way to: 1) have separate versions of panels (one set for the smaller screens and one set for the larger screens)?  Without having to set up a second AT account?

Perhaps you're not aware that you can have as many Panels as you want without needing more than one Account...? 

Only one Panel can be the default 🌟 Favorite, but you can easily use browser bookmarks and/or "Add to Homescreen / Desktop" option to jump directly to the appropriate Panel that you customized for each device or screen size.. 


1 - You can copy your existing panel and change the sizes to look right on the larger tablet. Any changes in the future have to be done on each separate panel though. The size information is specific to each panel so you could do what you want without separate accounts.

2 - Don't think that is possible.

I basically have 1 panel for a 7" tablet, 1 for a 10" tablet, and 1 for a computer monitor. They show slightly different information, but are all basically a "home" panel for the specific device.

Thanks for the ideas guys!

I do have several panels: 1 "Home" panel that links to 5 more detailed panels.  (If you're interested in seeing, I posted under the "Show Me Your Screens" thread earlier this week..)

I was hoping to not have to duplicate each of my panels - that is, having 7"/8" version and a 10" version panels for each, because like you say, whenever I make changes to one, I'd have to make changes to the other "size" version of that panel.  I guess that's not a really big deal, just was hoping AT might be able to deal with screen sizes natively.

I guess the more interesting question is then, do I have a 7"/8" Home panel that links to 7"/8" "sub" panels, and then a separate 10" Home panel that links to 10" "sub" panels?  If so then I really don't have a default "FAVORITE" panel, because which would I pick - the 7"/8" HOME panel, or the 10" Home panel?  But then, I guess at the end of the day, I could just have Fully default to the 7"/8" HOME panel on the 7"/8" tablets, and Fully default to the 10' HOME panel on the 10" tablets.  I mean, what does defining a "default FAVORITE" really buy you anyway? 

That's probably the best path forward???

Guess I know what I will be doing later today... lol.

Thanks again for the suggestions!