Fix in Progress
Color value is incorrectly sent as "#decimal" so may fail on some color control Things
Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago
in Things & Capabilities
updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago •
When a Color is selected in ActionTiles, we execute setColor( [ hue, sat, hexString ] ):
- Our "hexString" is currently formatted with incorrect syntax, and it is deprecated anyway. We send decimal values in the string instead of hex: i.e., we send "#2550255" instead of "#FF00FF" for example.
- Color control should function correct if the Device Type Handler accepts setColor( hue, sat ) and discards the redundant unnecessary Attribute "color".
- If you are using a non-WWST (Works With SmartThings) device, please contact the developer of the DH to ensure they discard a redundant "color" value and have Hue and Saturation take precedence.

Confirmed Bug
Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago

Fix in Progress
Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago
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