Lack of sync between speaker volume in the smartthings app and the speaker volume in the smart tile

Juval 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated 6 years ago 2

Recently I have purchased a Samsung R1 Speaker and added it to my Smartthings environment and immediately after added it to my smart tiles app.

While I can easily change the speaker volume using the smartthings app, it doesn't look like changing the volume in the smart tile is making any impact on the speaker.

I do able to stop / play the music via the smart tile, the problem is only related to managing the volume via the smart tile (your application).

In addition, while adding this speaker to the smart tile, I have got another tile "Samsung R1 - Switch" (couldn't find any related switch in my smartthings app) - It doesn't look like this switch is affecting the speaker in any way - 

Am I missing something ?


1.  Volume.  Using my own Device Handler, I am able to control the volume, previous, next, pause/play and VOLUME as well as the Marquee.  Just confirmed on the R1 Speakers and on a MS650 Soundbar.  I use the Capability Music Player for all of these attributes.  Conclusion - ActionTiles is working off the correct capability and is sending commands IAW that capability.

2.  Switch.  ActionTiles works off of capabilities.  Apparently, SmartThings uses a switch capability within their speaker device handler.  ActionTiles picks this up to allow action.  However, the official integration does not really use this for Speakers (since the speaker have no power command) therefore no apparent effect.  Note though that the Soundbars have an ON/OFF capability.   Recommendation:  just ignore the Samsung R1 - Switch while adding tiles and delete any existing tiles of that genre.  (Note, in my Device Handler, I use the received power command to stop or pause the speaker and set the marquee to display this state.

Thanks djgutheinz.

Can you please explain, what do you mean by "Using my own Device Handler" ? is this a specific one you have developed for the R1 ?...

Edit : Ok found it here: https://community.smartthings.com/t/beta-samsung-wifi-soundbar-integration-with-tts/100293/8

Question, any idea if  "Speaker Companion" (Samsung Smart App), will work with your device handler ?