On Hold: Discussion Open

Touch ID instead of pin

derrickho328 7 years ago in Security updated by Ivan Sanchez 3 years ago 3

for secure pins, can we use Touch ID instead of a four digit pin?



On Hold: Discussion Open

I don't believe this is possible. There is no Web API to access Touch ID.

If such API appears, I would be curious to investigate if it could be used for AT.

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Hi Derrick,

I presume you are referring to iOS Touch ID? (Though Android has standards for hardware biometric authentication too).

I can only paste this as a Feature Request to see if it is popular. PIN entry is compatible with everything, so we don't have to mess with hardware access services. So we would want to see substantial interest.

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On Hold: Discussion Open

I don't believe this is possible. There is no Web API to access Touch ID.

If such API appears, I would be curious to investigate if it could be used for AT.

Hello, I’d also be interested in this feature. It appears on iOS that both Safari and Google Chrome have access to Touch ID now but I am not sure in what situations it is limited. It would be great to have this on Android’s fingerprint authentication as well if that’s also possible.