
Ring Doorbell - Fully - Tablet - ActionTiles

jgirvine 7 years ago in Browsers Tablets Phones / Android updated by JB Bentz 7 years ago 9

I am getting a Ring Pro for Christmas.  I currently have several tablets around the house that run Fully and ActionTiles.  After reading posts, it looks like I can not integrate Ring and AT... but, can I set the tablets to automatically switch to the Ring App if there is an alert?  Thanks


You may want to try AutoInput, it's a Tasker plugin that allows you to interact with Android UI.

You should be able to setup Tasker to react to a notification from the Ring app and then have AutoInput activate the notification and launch the live camera view in Ring app.


Alex, would this work on a Fire tablet?

I don't know.

If you have Android Marketplace installed, it's worth a try.

I'm curious to know if this works too. Would rather not buy the app and find it doesn't work how I'm expecting.

Did you get it to work?


you can always just add the Ring app as a Shortcut Tile.  It may not open automatically, but you can open it yourself, if someone is at the door.


Let me test that out. I did download the tasker/autoinput apps but to be honest got completely lost in how to implement them. I'll probably take a look again this weekend, but really I'd like to use Fully (like the original requestor) AT and Ring so that the person can answer and see who is at the door relatively easily. I'd like it to as painless as possible since my parents might use it and they're not exactly tech savy.

I am the OP.... please James, let us know if you come up with an answer.... I have not done anything yet as it is a Christmas present and well, hubby frowns on me opening packages early.... Thanks

Just as JB Bentz mentioned you can have the Ring app as a shortcut tile, without the need for Tasker (this means as stated you'll need to launch it yourself). 

I got the shortcut from the below thread:


This seems to bypass the need for Tasker, if you don't want it to launch by itself. 

There might be a more elegant solution like the below, but I couldn't find the right combination and the above worked fine. 


Just note that per the first thread you'll need to make the below changes to fully:

For Fully Browser, swipe to open the side panel, select Settings>Web Content Settings and enable both “Enable Popups (Plus)” and “Open URL Schemes in Other Apps”

I might try and get tasker to open the live view, but that seems like complicated task I'm not quite ready for.