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Smart Home Monitor (SHM) intention colors

ash stokes 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 7


I think what would be useful with the tile intention options, is for the smart home monitor tile, if disarmed, just display grey (as it currently does), if it's Armed (Stay) it should be yellow (as it currently does), but if it's armed (away) then should be red. The reason being is I've got outside motion sensors e.g. garage connected to the alarm which are rarely gone in and then motion sensors in the main rooms we'd go in if we were home so looking at the dashboard would easily be identifiable by colour to see if smartthings had failed to return the alarm to Home (stay) by geo-location, stopping walking in and setting the alarm off.




This is a reasonable request. We should revisit all Tiles that don't currently implement intents and add this functionality.


This is a reasonable request. We should revisit all Tiles that don't currently implement intents and add this functionality.


I agree with Ash....BUT I would like to be able to choose my colors.  I prefer Disarmed to be green and Armed (stay/away) to be red.


I constantly monitor my home when I'm away. I too agree, I would like to see the Armed and Disarmed change colors once their state has changed. Especially, say you have it armed while at home,  if you wake up and your about to open a door to set off the system, a quick look at the display would see the bight RED or Green (my preference also) actiontile and you would instantly know to disarm the system. Im curious though,  last commit on this topic was many, many months ago..  Hey Terry, can you be bribed? lol.....


Howdy dsimer,

Yes... we can be bribed, but only via the open market. Your bribe would be bid up by all the other Features that have been requested (as well as internal work we need to do to keep up with changes at SmartThings and so on...).

Our market research indicated that people do not want ActionTiles to be a "subscription fee" based product / service. Therefore, the only financial ROI for any new Feature is: How many incremental new Customers will this bring in and how quickly, vs. any other way to invest our time and money.


I am a new customer and just paid.  Transitioning from an ADT alarm panel there is always easy view of the status of the alarm with a red light.  Would like to see the status panels change with Unarmed / Armed at a min.  There is a small font and a lock that shows a lock / unlock symbol but not easy to read.  


Thanks, Todd - Please don't forget to add  VOTES  to the main post.

We have dozens of "little things" like this to juggle. Some are easy to implement but still carry risks, and others are much harder than they seem. Votes are one factor that help keep these Feature Requests visible as we keep developing updates.