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Active Tile only Panel or "Hidden" as an Intention

Yagga 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by or 7 years ago 13 2 duplicates

I would like to see a Panel that will only show Active tiles that changes dynamically based on what tiles are active/on.



Keep in mind that we encourage the use of multiple Panels that specialize in areas or topics of interest in your home. Large Panels will run into performance issues.

That said, I'm wondering if we can make one of the Tile Intentions to be "hidden" or something like that.

This idea needs more popularity though!

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I can see how beneficial this could be and the nightmare coding this.   

I was going to make this exact same suggestion.  Talk about hyper fast understanding of your environment. .My panel is getting a little cluttery


A nightmare to code but a useful feature particularly to those of us with lots and lots of devices

Yes, i have so many devices and the tiles don't fit on 1 page anymore.   So I miss a lot of things happening if my screen isn't scrolled to the right part of the Panel.


Keep in mind that we encourage the use of multiple Panels that specialize in areas or topics of interest in your home. Large Panels will run into performance issues.

That said, I'm wondering if we can make one of the Tile Intentions to be "hidden" or something like that.

This idea needs more popularity though!


Ya, I think i get that part but I personally dont want to have to switch between multiple panels. I have them split by floor today so that helps a little.  I just would lvoe to glance at my Tablet and see only whats active or better yet, have it pop up and catch my eye.  My .02

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I see the value in it, but one thing lost is "knowing" where everything is on the Panel. Right now I can actually tell from across the room which Tiles are "Active" (in any high-visibility Theme) because of its spot on the Panel. My Tiles would have to be much bigger if it only showed the active ones.

Not to drift off Topic, but search the Forum for "notification" Topics. Perhaps persistent Notifications may be a function that helps meet your need, but in a way that is more powerful for others too. 

Is there a "how to" guide on setting up multiple panels as you describe here?  I've been wanting to do just this but am just not sure how to proceed.   Thanks!

I'm so bad at deciding what is most important to work on. I should post a poll asking for what the most valuable tutorials would be... 

My standard answer, though, is every household and family member is different.

In some homes, having a Panel of just all the Temperature sensors is valuable; in other homes, monitoring the window Contact sensors is more important.

Since the current license doesn't limit the number of Panels, we suggest experimenting! You may start with one big Panel and discover you never use some Tiles, and others are grouped or scattered way below the scroll line.

That's the best way to evolve what set of Panels makes the most sense. And the ActionTiles "Copy Panel" and "Copy Tileset" functions really help reduce the effort.

I like the idea of having one of the Tile Intentions to be "hidden" but another option would be to create a panel theme that hides any tile that is "Normal" while displaying "Info", "Accent", and "Alert". This would allow creation of a status panel that only shows sensors requiring attention. I specifically am looking for something like this so I can have a panel that shows me things that need my attention like did I leave a door open, is it too cold in the garage, is there a leak detected somewhere, etc...

I've thought about something similar, but what I may try to do is to make a "status" panel that lists the status of all flood sensors, CO sensors, smoke sensors, etc. and then see if I get tasker to switch to that particular panel when I get certain notifications from SmartThings or other apps.  This way, I will know if something is alerting because my panel will have changed, and I can then see which particular item it is.  You might try to do the same, but if you have too many items, you can create just a panel with your flood sensors, and if you get a particular warning, have tasker load that particular panel.  Then have your smoke detectors on a different panel and do the same.  I don't know if the notification scheme from SmartThings (and/or other apps) will support this, but I'm hoping...  :)

Just bought my copy of actiontiles. This feature is the ONLY thing that's missing for everything to work perfectly for me. I would code it if I had access :P