Would love to see actiontiles as as a skill for amazon alexa show!
So Amazon just released the echo show. This was my first purchase in the echo line and so far I think its great. There's on thing that would make it better! If actiontiles could work on it! Unfortunately they don't have a browser for it. It looks like everything that works on it needs to be an echo "skill". I have no idea what is involved in developing a skill, but it would be great if you guys looked at doing this. Seems the community has a lot of echo users, so I imagine something like this would be useful for many. I'd even pay an added fee for it!
Thanks for listening!

Why is the reply blank? i was curious what your responce was? I also am waiting to upgrade smart tiles to action tiles. Until i have an easy way to setup a display

The reply is blank because we have no response.
Alexa Show just barely started shipping this week; it is possible (and even likely) that various browser-based apps will pave the road for us and make the possibility of ActionTiles on Show much easier.
Meanwhile we have a hundred priorities ahead of this, but our Forum accepts Topic Votes to help rate customer interest.
Customer support service by UserEcho
The reply is blank because we have no response.
Alexa Show just barely started shipping this week; it is possible (and even likely) that various browser-based apps will pave the road for us and make the possibility of ActionTiles on Show much easier.
Meanwhile we have a hundred priorities ahead of this, but our Forum accepts Topic Votes to help rate customer interest.