
Turn off Unlock confirmation

BartLanz 7 years ago in Things & Capabilities updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 7

When I press the tile to unlock my door it prompts with "Would you like to unlock "lock name"? Is there a way to turn this function off? I would like the door to simply unlock.


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Hi Bart,

I'm sorry, but that's currently not a configurable option. We have that hard-coded for a couple of Tile types (Garage Door too, I think).

We'll consider making it an option if more folks request it.

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Hi Bart,

I'm sorry, but that's currently not a configurable option. We have that hard-coded for a couple of Tile types (Garage Door too, I think).

We'll consider making it an option if more folks request it.


Thank you for the quick reply... and that's annoying... Well here is to hoping others say something! Have a great night! I am loving ActionTiles as a former SmartTiles user, you have made some nice improvements!

Please make the Unlock Confirmation configurable as I agree it is annoying.  Is there a workaround for now? 

DanM (and BartLanz),

Please allocate some of your Topic VOTES . We don't count "comments" as Votes.


The confirmation requirement on Lock/Unlock is only one extra tap, so we're not considering this to be an important issue unless the vote count increases substantially.

As for a workaround?

Create a Virtual Switch (in SmartThings) and use some SmartApp (like WebCoRE) to synchronize it with your Lock.

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