Copy Panel or "Save As..."
Royski 8 years ago
in Panels (dashboards)
updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago •
• 2 duplicates
Could there be any way to have a save as, or copy one panel to another name etc. I would like the same settings as another panel, but for another device, and screen size. Is there no other way than configuring from scratch for each? Great work BTW loving this!
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Customer support service by UserEcho
This would be dope. Is there any way to do this currently?
No... But the Feature is pending release pretty soon; i.e., per the Topic Status it is STAGED for readiness testing in our QA and Beta environments.
Got it! Any time-frame? I hate to ask, but i have a couple panels that I need to copy, so just wondering if I should manually copy or wait for the beta?
Sorry... we avoid giving out timeframes - Though I suppose I could make a chart that explains the Topic Status in more detail and gives some relative timelines. Fact is that beta sometimes runs only a day or two, but if we run into problems or if we have a reason to freeze Production for a while, then migration from Beta could be significantly delayed.
i.e., The answer is "soon", but no promises. I hope that's vague enough for you. 😈
Yeah, not looking for a timeframe..."days" "weeks" "months" will do.
Thanks for the help!
Aiming for "days" for this one 😊!
Fantastic Terry! Many thanks for implementing :)