
Can't return from Shortcut Tile target in iOS "App mode"

Pieter-Jan Vanmarcke 8 years ago in Panels (dashboards) updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 8 years ago 8


I created a actiontile with a url which is working great, but I try to figure out how I can return to the actiontile page afterwards. If I doubletick the homebutton on my Ipad I can see the website is loaded in a actiontiles window, but I can't return to it, other than when reselecting the actiontiles button I created on my Ipad Homescreen.

Is there a possibility to do it from within the actiontiles app?

Kind regards,


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Good, but unfortunate observation, Pieter-Jan...

When a Shortcut Tile is used in an "app-mode" (i.e., Panel added to Home Screen), it seems we are little too seamless and the shortcut target "takes over" the implicit browser.

On Android this is unlikely to be a problem because you can swipe up from the bottom bezel and Android's navigation (back and home) buttons will appear. On my iPad, that just brings up the media play controls and brightness, etc..

(Android also offers add-on apps that can overlay special controls in the status bar and more! -- I'm an Android fan.)

Maybe we'll figuring out something, eventually, to workaround this iOS behavior.

Pieter, by design, a Panel Shortcut should open within the same window, but URL shortcut should open a new window. Is this not what you are experiencing?


I experience the same as the OP. If I click a URL shortcut while in app-mode on my iOS device, it opens the URL in full screen and I don't have the ability to return to my panel without killing the app and re-opening it.

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