Which Capabilities are supported?

ActionTiles is compatible with the following standard SmartThings and Hubitat device capabilities.

  1. Acceleration Sensor
  2. Alarm
  3. Audio Mute
  4. Audio Track Data
  5. Acceleration
  6. Audio Volume
  7. Battery
  8. Carbon Dioxide Measurement
  9. Carbon Monoxide Detector
  10. Color Control
  11. Color Temperature
  12. Contact Sensor
  13. Door Control
  14. Energy Meter
  15. Illuminance Measurement
  16. Image Capture
  17. Lock
  18. Media Playback
  19. Media Presets
  20. Media Track Control
  21. Momentary
  22. Motion Sensor
  23. Power Meter
  24. Presence Sensor
  25. Relative Humidity Measurement
  26. Smoke Detector
  27. Sound Pressure Level
  28. Switch
  29. Switch Level
  30. Temperature Measurement
  31. Thermostat Cooling Setpoint
  32. Thermostat Heating Setpoint
  33. Thermostat Fan Mode
  34. Thermostat Mode
  35. Thermostat Operating State
  36. Ultraviolet Index
  37. Valve
  38. Voltage Measurement
  39. Water Sensor
  40. Window Shade
  41. Window Shade Preset

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