Best Capability for a number
I have a custom device handler for my device that uses the following custom attribute..
attribute "RPM", "number"
This just displays as a tile in my device handler that shows the current RPM value of my pool pump for example 3,450 RPM.
I would like to get this into action tiles on my display in a way that best presents that information. My question is what device capability, that action tiles supports, should I change this to in order to best present my information? I'm not dead set on using my custom attribute and do not mind if it's something strange or nonsensical as I just want it to display right on action tiles. I tried power use and temperature and some others but then it displays on a tile that says watts or degrees F which looks funny.
These are the only Capability types we support (at the moment) that have a number value:
Carbon Dioxide Measurement
Energy Meter
Illuminance Measurement
Power Meter
Relative Humidity Measurement
Temperature Measurement
Ultraviolet Index
thanks for your help bud I found changing the device to device.carbonDioxide was the golden ticket for displaying the number value as I had hoped!
Not sure how you did that conversion to device.carbonDioxide. Was that in your Device Handler? Name of your Device?
A preference setting for the device?
I am trying to do two different measurement for my Dashboard.
A) Pollen Count, got it from a Device Handler, it gives Pollen Count for my area including decimals, but Actiontiles will not allow for that measurement, so I am converting the Pollen Count number into a temperature so that it displays on Actiontiles (by using a webcore piston using attributes) Problem is Actiontiles of course shows the degree symbol and the number that gets displayed is only a number, no decimals included.
B) Air Quality Device handler, I get a number but have to do the same thing, convert to temperature using webcore piston using attributes and the display of course shows the degree symbol
I suspect @bscuderi used webcore or a custom device handler.
Also, I use a virtual/simulated(?) dimmer switch with a webcore piston. The dimmer value indicates how long it has been since the pets have been fed. It increments hourly and when reaches 8, I turn the dimmer switch on (which appears red in ActionTiles so I can remind kiddos.
@Alex - could you update the list up a few posts and add for each type: displays units? displays decimal?
Customer support service by UserEcho
thanks for your help bud I found changing the device to device.carbonDioxide was the golden ticket for displaying the number value as I had hoped!
These are the only Capability types we support (at the moment) that have a number value: