Create a Simulated (Virtual) Switch

OBSOLETE. Pending new instructions post SmartThings platform changes.

Simulated (Virtual) Switches are useful as proxy devices to trigger certain Location events, Scenes or to hold a state. For all intents and purposes, Simulated Switches behave the same way as physical ones when it comes to Automations or ActionTiles.

Login into SmartThings
Click My Locations
Select your Location
Click My Devices on the top navigation bar
Click + New Device
Enter device details as follows

Name: preferred name
Device Network Id: (any random text is fine)
Type: Simulated Switch (note: do not select Virtual Switch)

Click Create button

Your device is now ready to be included in Automations, Scenes, WebCore or ActionTiles.

To add the new device to ActionTiles, open My Locations page, tap (+) and authorize your newly created device.

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