ActionTiles Support & Ideas Forum

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More Icon selections, please.

Jamin Dawes 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 9 1 duplicate

Would like to change the default icon for my window contact sensors.


Priority for icon requests is currently being given to our Beta Participant members.

Rest assured that they have great ideas and various icons will rollout over our next few releases!

We're also looking at possibly viable ways to offer extensive "libraries" of hundreds of icons. No timeline is set for this.


Request for Tile Font Size Setting

Nezmo 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 2

My first request would be to be able to change the font size on the tile labels. I note the comment about CSS and customization. However, I have MANY instances of labels overlapping icons and values and it looks bad. I know I can change the tile labels but you can only abbreviate so far before it becomes useless. I'm using medium-small tiles.

Overall impression thus far is this is well executed. I would like the font size issue handled and be able to enlarge the icons.

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Customizable fonts request

Graham Knights 6 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 1

I know it's vaguely in the "future" list of options, but I didn't see any topics to upvote / prioritize this feature, as it's one of the things I would really appreciate to modify.  

I really don't think anyone needs to have more than 1 font system wide, but it would be great to have that slight level of customizing.  

Really love watching the AT development move along, and I've got some big plans for a full-home integration on my new house with multiple touchscreens.  Thanks again for all the awesome work!


Change the Tile color for the currently Active Routine?

Brian B 6 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 1

I have multiple time of day routines that switch on/off at staggered times throughout the week.  While I am away its difficult to discern which routine is currently active from a glance at the tileset since all my routine tiles appear the same color.   A great feature is my door sensor appears based on state, both the icon and color can be set to create a hi-viz alert of the door state, is there any way to do the same with time of day routines (or routines in general) ?


Christmas Lights Icons?

Hello, can ActionTiles, please make Christmas tree, Outdoor Christmas lights and other Christmas appliances labels, so it is less confusing when people see it.

I would also like to have the option to enlarge or decrease the font size of the tile label (Tile Header font). 



Color code reference (HEX) for Built-in Themes?

Kpocius 6 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 1

Can you list the hex color codes for the various themes.  I'm setting up the jggdev weather forecast and would like to match the tile to the theme. 


Not a Bug

Water sensor not changing to warning Intent color

Mike Wayne 6 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 3

Added a water sensor. Chose "warn" for what to display when dry and "normal" for wet. Moved it to a dry location. It shows "Dry" ( which is correct) but keeps blue background not orange (incorrect).

Android Windows
Mostly Answered: Topic Closed

Questions about Tile elements and layout chosen for v6.7.2

Nick D'Auria 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 8

I have a design question, how come you removed the battery percentage to streamline the design but left in the open/closed text. That info only has two variables and it is displayed in the icon status. The battery percentage is nice additional info that takes up minimal space. I actually wanted to put in a request to have a way to add more info to a single tile. Most of my door senors have a temperature also. I wanted to be able to have a single tile show temp and door status instead of having to split it up over 2 different tiles.  For me the tile space is extremely valuable as I try to fit everything on to one screen.   



With the introduction of Tile Intentions, it's now possible to have a tile with distinct states to be displayed with the same Intention and that would make the states indistinguishable. Also, some states icons are a little bit confusing and require a text label.

Battery levels are very transient values. They usually don't change often and not rapidly. They do, however, take up valuable space and distract from the primary value that needs to be monitored.

With the release 6.7, we tried to optimize and unify the layout of Tiles making the icons and text stand out and be legible from the distance. Tiles have limited real estate and it's impossible to squeeze all available device attributes into the same tile. Negative space is important for design too.

If you find it important to monitor the battery statuses closely, I recommend creating a dedicated Panel or Tileset to display these values.

The Battery Tiles have Info Intention by default. When the battery level drops below 25%, such tile will light up with Accent Intention and when the battery is depleted to below 5%, the tile will change color with Warn Intention.


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Yes/No icon or text for Switch Tile

TheChad 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Owen Stevens 6 years ago 4

Is there a type of simulated button or anything I can create in SmartThings that will allow me to create a Yes/No Tile?  Or a Red/Green Tile?

i.e.  If I have a sensor on the dog food container, and I want to create a tile called "Has Dog Been Fed?" and using Core set it to Yes or No for the day?  Or change the color to Green or Red?  I have the coding down and am setting a simulated switch on and off...but would rather have a tile say yes or no if possible...not just for the dog food but possible other uses too.  :)


We have some complex Feature requests from folks wishing to display arbitrary numeric or text values from SmartThings on a Tile, but your request is a much simpler case:

  • If Yes/No are just like On/Off, then perhaps we can just provide icons that either say, or clearly represent, "Yes" and "No".
  • The ability to define the colors for Tiles of Things in the active vs inactive state is a part of a bigger scope effort on color customization.

Does this sound like it would fit your idea?

Not a Bug

Default/Elements css for Info incorrect?

Mike Liu 6 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 3

Just started using AT.  On the Elements(default) panel style, I am getting green background for Info intentions instead of blue.  Am I missing something?

Android Windows

There is also a Feature Request related to this. Please Vote & Follow.



Large Font Sizes are terrible (v6.7.2 release)

Nathan Schnell 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 2

The large font sizes are terrible. Can we get an option to put them back to the way they were please?



Text & icons in sbolloz Theme should be amber instead of white

Moe 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 7

Hello everyone

Firstly I would like to thank you for the great job you're doing, keep up the good work.

Now if I may ask, could you please change the fonts and icon colors in the sballoz theme to yellow instead of white, similar to SmartTiles? Thanks

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Dynamic Text On A Tile

Jim 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 2

Is there anyway to have custom text on a tile based on whether the tile is on or off? Meaning on or off state being the state of a switch. In other words instead of off/on I would like it to say something like Here/Gone. Hope that made sense.

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Custom icon image; or Media Tile as Thing Tile?

Jake Anderson 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Oatbean 7 years ago 1 1 duplicate

I would love the ability to add a custom image as a tile display. Alternatively being able to add functionality to a media tile when clicked would give the same result.

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Set colour for 'blank' tiles

Ste 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1
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Define color option of active Tiles based on current Mode

jarrett 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

I'm really interested in the "normal" and "abnormal" ability to highlight a tile such as a contact sensor for a door as described above but would like to add that it should be configurable by Location Mode.   For instance, during the day, we keep all our bedroom doors open so I would like them to highlight only when closed, but when the house is in sleep mode, we keep the doors to the bedrooms closed, so during this mode, I would want them to highlight when open.  The configuration would need to be by tile (not device type), and have the ability to customize by location mode.


Panel shortcut icon ">" does not work; results in default "grid" icon.

Jamin Dawes 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Alex (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 6

Attempting to change the icon for panel shortcuts to "> Right", but it remains the default. All the other icons work.

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Photos for Presence Tiles

DGHome 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

It would be great to allow the photos from SmartThings to be used rather than the presence icons.

Deferred: Voting Open

Set a global default Panel Theme for entire ActionTiles Account

Krystm 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 1

I looked around and couldn't find anything so maybe I am missing it, also didn't see any topics on it... so hopefully this is a first post. If not just let me know where I can change it.....

But is there a way to change the default color theme when creating new dashboards/panels? Right now I create the new panel, then go to it's properties and change it.

If there is a way I could say make all Cobalt... or even an "Apply to all Panels" could be very useful.


Not a bad idea, Krystm, but, honestly, we're likely to give this a low priority until we can slipstream it in with some related features at some point in the future.

Changing the Theme of a Panel only takes 3 taps (Settings, Theme, Save).

So we're putting this on the back-burner where it can still collect Topic Votes.


Cobalt Theme ?

Marc 7 years ago in Colors Icons Fonts Themes updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 7 years ago 5

Is it possible to add the Cobalt theme which is currently available in SmartTiles ?