PIN pad and/or Password for SHM
Requesting a popup numeric keypad control that would be required to disarm the Smart Home Monitor (SHM).

Technically, I think there are 3 different use cases, and knowing which one our customers are most interested in is important...
- If SmartTiles is being run as a wall mounted or other "permanent" home control panel, then it is likely left logged-in all the time, and the SHM control would be widely exposed to any intruder or legitimate occupant (children, guests). Currently the only options are to use the OS whole tablet lockscreen (PIN or Pattern Lock) and/or logout of SmartTiles.
- If SmartTiles is logged in on a portable device (phone) you really need to lock your phone.
- If you use a guest workstation (Internet cafe, hotel, friend's phone), it really is important that you use an incognito / private browsing session, VPN, and/or be very certain to logout of SmartTiles.
For the purpose of this Topic, may I propose we focus on Scenario #1?

Number one for sure, the Pin would be amazing to have security on the security tile!

Number 1 is my preference and personal use case. I have those $20 Motorola E phones wall-mounted everywhere. I would like to keep one by each entrance and use it like an alarm panel just as number 1 indicates.

That's why we use a Vote Budget system for Topic Votes... It makes customers think about which Features or Bugs are most important to themselves. You can remove Votes from some other Topic in order to allocate them to this Topic, depending on your personal priorities! That gives us the most accurate and valuable feedback... i.e., not just random votes, but votes have a "cost" to allocate. 😉

From time to time in the ST community people discuss keypads and wanting a way to delay SHM arm. Seems like a phone (like Jim mentioned above) with SmartTiles and PIN/keypad/alarm feature could also introduce a delay in arming or running the Away routine.

Hi Terry,
Does this reply means you're already working on getting this created? If yes, any idea of when this will be accomplished?
I'm so exited to use this that I'l already building a very nice frame for a tablet to be my smart home central dashboard!

Hi Thiago,
- Please be sure to allocate Topic Votes (i.e., Vote on the original post).
- We don't give out timelines / ETAs until and unless we are very certain of the Release date.
- We keep the Topic Status ("Discuss", "Planned", "In Progress", "Staged", ... etc.) updated to indicate the general state of each Feature Request or Bug. ... "In Progress" and "Staged" is closer to delivery than just "Planned". We hope to put this is "In Progress" very, very soon.

Looking for ability to do #1 so caretaker can disarm shm. Once I have that I plan on getting scout.

I have winkrelay for keyboard and I don't have possibility to use keypad device when he wake-up . Keypad pop-up only way for me.

I agree with #1 also. But don't limit it to just SHM. I use a simulated switch to disarm, which runs a core piston which in turn runs a routine and other things. I would probably only use ActionTiles to disarm when in night mode as my unit is not near a door. But it would be handy when we get up in the morning. I don't have that switch on there now as I don't want someone to guess what's it's for.

do you have idea if this popup numeric keypad for desarming will be soon in programmation ???

We will post updates here when we are confident about the progress and when we were confident that deployment is imminent.
Please reference this FAQ: When are Feature Ideas in the Forum going to be implemented?

This is a key feature needed for those like me who want to dump their traditional alarm systems! Great to hear that it's in progress! :-)

any updates on this? this is the missing component of my home control system/switch to a full SHM alarm system

Hi Josh,
We usually just moderate away (ie, delete) "are we there yet???") comments, because they don't add any value to the discussion...
but ... I figured I might as well share the good news that this feature has just entered QA testing, so it is getting close!
This feature took some extra time because it is security related (of course 👮!), and thus we have to be extra diligent.

This will be a pleasure for us to release. The first Beta round has gone well and we are now coding the tweaks in response to the feedback. Our Beta participant group is amazing!

Does Feature Staged mean it's been implemented or will it go complete once it's done? Cheers.

" Feature Staged " means that it is in the final phases of Beta testing. All the code has been integrated into our master and as long as there are no major Beta issues, deployment to the public customer app is usually within several days or less.
Very complex releases may remain "staged" in Beta for a longer period of time. Feature Staged is the status just before "Implemented" (i.e., completely deployed, ready for Customer use, feedback, and Topic closure).

hi, I just Loved it!!! Works nice and also works for more tiles, not only the security tiles...
I also made a video that explains better... attached!
Thanks again and let's keep working on making this even better!

Wow! Thank-you Tiago!
That's a very convenient quick overview and we really appreciate the compliments. 🙏
I have added this video to our YouTube Channel youtube.com/ActionTiles, and our Customer / Fan Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIwyWWtKdZ77PZRwZUuNk1hk5x0oy7bEq

wow, very nice. It's a good idea to use code not just for disarm but also for arming. thank you. You solved a big issues with that.

Just got it goin on my panel and it works great! Are there plans for supporting more than one pin code?

Thanks, Markl!
No plans for multiple codes at this time, but I guess you could start a Feature Request Topic...
Customer support service by UserEcho
Release v6.2.2 notes here: http://support.actiontiles.com/topics/1851-release-v660-pin-protected-shm-and-many-other-tiles-few-other-touches/
Technically, I think there are 3 different use cases, and knowing which one our customers are most interested in is important...
For the purpose of this Topic, may I propose we focus on Scenario #1?