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Blink camera integration feature request

Mike North 8 years ago in Media Tiles updated by Terry (ActionTiles) (Co-Founder) 6 years ago 1 1 duplicate

the Rboy blink app has been updated which says it will allow action tiles to show images from cameras.  can this be added to action tiles so we can see the latest image from the cameras in a panel?


it would be great, since it already takes an image when it sees motion, then ideally the tile in the panel would refresh with the latest image.  streaming on demand, like you can in the blink app or from ST, would be great, but also a hazard for battery life.


Deferred: Voting Open

Amazon has acquired Blink, and shortly before the acquisition, Blink pulled all direct SmartThings integrated support and related APIs.

At this time, there is no indication from Amazon as to what they will be doing with the product line and what sort of 3rd party integrations they will provide (except IFTTT), if any. Integration opportunities for small companies is often not aligned with that of larger vendors. Amazon would perhaps first introduce an official integration with SmartThings, given the intersecting popularity of the products ... but that's just a guess. Perhaps Amazon wishes to keep the system closed for security and/or to protect their other strategic smart home plans.

Until the merger and Blink's products evolve accordingly, we are putting aside ("Deferring") this Topic indefinitely.

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The Blink Forum may be the best place to advocate and follow developments in this regard. No one has more influence over Blink than their Customers ... right?

Duplicates 1
Deferred: Voting Open

Amazon has acquired Blink, and shortly before the acquisition, Blink pulled all direct SmartThings integrated support and related APIs.

At this time, there is no indication from Amazon as to what they will be doing with the product line and what sort of 3rd party integrations they will provide (except IFTTT), if any. Integration opportunities for small companies is often not aligned with that of larger vendors. Amazon would perhaps first introduce an official integration with SmartThings, given the intersecting popularity of the products ... but that's just a guess. Perhaps Amazon wishes to keep the system closed for security and/or to protect their other strategic smart home plans.

Until the merger and Blink's products evolve accordingly, we are putting aside ("Deferring") this Topic indefinitely.

Latest News...

The Blink Forum may be the best place to advocate and follow developments in this regard. No one has more influence over Blink than their Customers ... right?

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